Advantage Multi (Advocate) is an excellent treatment for cats and kittens. It effectively kills all adult fleas through contact, which means it does not necessarily have to bite and feed on the cat to get eliminated. The potent product also treats flea infestations, and at the same time, treats and controls ear mites and intestinal worms like hookworms and roundworms. Besides, heartworm prevention can also be done with his excellent topical monthly treatment.
How It WorksAdvantage Multi (Advocate) has two powerful ingredients in Imidacloprid and Moxidectin. Imidacloprid gets absorbed through the flea’s skin where it acts on the nervous system, which results in the ultimate elimination of the parasite. It also assists in getting rid of them through contact. Moxidectin, on the other hand, kills tiny heartworms by preventing them to grow into adult heartworms. It also erases intestinal worms by disrupting the nerve transmission and paralyzing the parasite.
Very effective treatment for removing multiple types of worms from my pet.
A multi-advantage treatment that is highly effective and fast-acting. Thank you.
I have always used Advantage multi for my dogs