Bravecto Spot-On for cats is a quick-action, long-lasting ectoparasitic treatment for 6 months and older kittens and cats. This unique formula leaves fewer gaps between treatments and offers three times longer protection against fleas and ticks than regular monthly treatments.
Bravecto contains fluralaner, which acts quickly after administration and kills fleas within 8 hours and ticks within 12 hours. Plus, it controls the environmental flea population and prevents reinfestation. The long-lasting formula keeps protecting your feline against both fleas and ticks for 3 months (12 weeks).
Bravecto Spot-On for cats eliminates fleas, stops flea infestations and kills ticks including black-legged ticks and Asian longhorned ticks for 12 weeks, and eliminates American dog ticks for 8 weeks. Due to its rapid on-set of action, Bravecto can be used as an effective part of Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD) treatment.
Follow the dosage table mentioned-below for accurate dosage administration:
Dosage Table:
Cat Weight |
Fluralaner Content Per Dose |
Dose Per 12 Weeks |
2.6 -6.2 lbs (1.2 to 2.8kg) |
112.5 mg |
One |
6.2-13.8 lbs (2.8 - 6.25kg) |
250 mg |
One |
13.8-27.5 lbs (6.25 - 12.5kg) |
500 mg |
One |
I am satisfied with the performance. It works great for my pet.
It is a topical treatment. Easy to use and super effective.
The application stays effective for weeks. A good product for my pet.