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Reviews for Mediworm Tablets for Cat Supplies
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Mediworm Tablets - Cat Supplies

Rating 4/5 29 Reviews

Starting at Only $12.12

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Easy to dose

these tabs are so simple to dose our fussy babies. just a few doses and worms are no more to be seen.


I was scared

But it worked. I have a cat. And she is very important to me. But I am disabled and broke so expensive vets and all that are sadly really a struggle for me. I bought wormers here at cheaper rates and now I dont have to worry.


Worked well

Did the trick on our feral barn cat. she was down with worm infections. after treatment could see alot of worms in her shit. apparently, she recovered and now she is keeping up good health



Mediworm has proven 100% effective for us.


No more worms

works wonder. one dose and worm infection under control.
