HomeoPet Skin and Itch Relief is a safe and natural remedy that provides relief from insect bites, itching, and scratching due to skin allergies and pollutants in the air. This product detoxifies the pet’s body and improves their skin and coat. The all natural formula is highly beneficial for occurrence of skin conditions such as hot and red spots, dry and flaky skin, licking, and gnawing. HomeoPet Skin and Itch Relief is an ideal product for treating any kind of allergic reaction.
Graphites (Black Lead), Pulex Irritans (Common Flea), Rhus Toxicodendron (Poison Oak), Staphysagria (Stavesacre), Sulphur, and Urtica Urens (Stinging Nettle)
much of a useful product when it comes itchy skin
Using it for a very long time for my buddy. No side effects yet and he has no irritation on the skin.
best itch relief for our babies